About 心滿意粥 Delight Congee
心滿意粥 堅尼地城卑路乍街114號聯友新樓地下A鋪 🍴即叫即蒸腸粉 🔥每天即炸油炸鬼、煎堆、牛脷酥和鹹煎餅 🍲足料艇仔粥、及第粥 🥠傳統黃糖糕、白糖糕
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生滾滑雞粥 Chicken Congee
$51.00皮蛋瘦肉粥 Pidan and Salted Lean Pork Congee
$35.00生滾肉片粥 Sliced Meat Congee
$41.00生滾鮮牛粥 Beef Congee
$51.00生菜粟米瘦肉粥 Congee with Lettuce, Corn and Salted Lean Pork
$40.00狀元及第粥 Pig's Offal Porridge
$51.00生滾魚腩粥 Grass Carp Fish Belly Congee
$51.00手打肉丸粥 Handmade Meatball Congee
$42.00仿鮑魚滑雞粥 Diet Abalone and Chicken Congee
即熟粥品 Ready-to-eat Congee
「即熟粥」是將新鮮粥料,加入滾燙的粥底,一起滾熟 。食材一般是免治牛肉,皮蛋瘦肉,薄切鮮鯇魚片,以及艇仔等,一些容易熟的材料。 如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明 When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!
皮蛋瘦肉粥 Pidan and Salted Lean Pork Congee
綿綿粥底配上皮蛋和瘦肉。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$35.00綿滑白粥 Rice Porridge
綿綿白粥不可加配料 | No additional toppings$19.00菜乾豬骨粥
所謂經典就係永不過時菜乾豬骨粥 就係最好例子 蠔豉 熬成綿綿鮮甜粥底軟腍腍嘅豬骨 加上 菜乾 豐富嘅膳食纖維一次過滿足你味蕾多種層次嘅享受$41.00生菜粟米瘦肉粥 Congee with Lettuce, Corn and Salted Lean Pork
綿綿粥底配上生菜、粟米及瘦肉。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$40.00免治牛肉粥 Minced Beef Congee
綿綿粥底配上免治牛肉。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00鹹香瘦肉粥 Salted Lean Pork Congee
綿綿粥底配上鹹香瘦肉。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$35.00爽口皮蛋粥 Pidan Congee
綿綿粥底配上爽口皮蛋。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00鮮鯇魚片粥 Grass Carp Fish Slice Congee
綿綿粥底配上新鮮鯇魚片。如需要走薑絲、走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$35.00金黃粟米粥 Corn Congee
綿綿粥底配上粟米,清新輕盈,素食者適用。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00荔灣艇仔粥 Sampan Congee
艇仔粥以粥滑軟綿、芳香鮮味聞名。主要配料有免治牛肉、豬皮、以及魷魚等。如果不吃牛肉,可改以瘦肉代替。The main ingredients are minced beef, lean meat, pork skin, and squid. If you don't eat beef, it can be replaced with lean meat.When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$35.00爽滑豬紅粥 Pig Blood Curd Congee
綿綿粥底配上爽滑豬紅。如需要走薑絲、走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00魚片豬紅粥 Fish Slice and Pig Blood Curd Congee
綿綿粥底配上魚片和豬紅。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$40.00艇仔豬紅粥 Pig Blood Curd and Sampan Congee
綿綿粥底配上免治牛肉、豬皮、魷魚和豬紅。不吃牛肉,可改以瘦肉代替。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$40.00新鮮生菜粥 Lettuce Congee
綿綿粥底配上新鮮生菜,清新輕盈,素食者適用。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00黄金鹹蛋粥 Salted Egg Congee
綿綿粥底配上鹹蛋。如需要走蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you!$31.00
生滾粥品 Made-to-order Congee
「生滾粥」,是將生的食材和綿綿粥底,再加上蔥頭以及私家調配的薑汁,一起煮至濃稠的粥。食材的鮮甜亦都會融入綿綿粥底中,非常入味 。最受大家歡迎的及弟粥,就是生滾粥。 When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you
生滾滑雞粥 Chicken Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮滑雞煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00生滾肉片粥 Sliced Meat Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮豬肉片煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00生滾鮮牛粥 Beef Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮牛肉煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00生滾魚腩粥 Grass Carp Fish Belly Congee
以鯇魚腩煮成的粥,粥底綿綿,肉鮮味甜。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00狀元及第粥 Pig's Offal Porridge
以綿綿粥底加上豬心、豬潤、粉腸、豬肚及豬肉丸煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。相傳明朝倫文敘幼時家中甚貧,家中以賣菜維生。鄰檔的粥販欣賞倫氏的才華,每天中午以買菜為名贈粥。倫氏高中狀元後,心念粥販贈粥之恩,重回故地食了一碗當年老闆給他熬的那種粥。由於此粥無名,倫氏為其題名「及第粥」。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00瑤柱滑雞粥 Dried Scallop and Chicken Congee
以綿綿粥底加上瑤柱和新鮮滑雞煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。$59.00瑤柱肉片粥 Dried Scallop and Sliced Pork Congee
以綿綿粥底加上瑤柱和豬肉片煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00蠔豉肉片粥 Dried Oyster and Sliced Pork Congee
以綿綿粥底加上蠔豉和肉片煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$59.00仿鮑魚滑雞粥 Diet Abalone and Chicken Congee
以綿綿粥底加上仿鮑魚片及新鮮滑雞煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$59.00爽仿鮑片粥 Diet Abalone Congee
以綿綿粥底加上爽滑仿鮑片煮至滾熟,口感煙靭腍滑,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00手打肉丸粥 Handmade Meatball Congee
以綿綿粥底加上手打豬肉丸煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00生菜鯪魚球粥 Lettuce and Minced Fish Balls Congee
以綿綿粥底加上手打鯪魚球煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00甘香蠔豉粥 Dried Oyster Congee
$51.00心肝寶貝粥 Pig's Heart, Pig's Liver & Dried Scallop Congee
綿綿鮮甜粥底配上豬心、豬肝及元貝怕羞仔,仲可以藉着粥名表白$59.00生滾肉碎粥 Chopped Meat Congee
以綿綿粥底加上豬肉碎煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00生滾豬潤粥 Pig's Liver Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮豬潤煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you$42.00鮮味瑤柱粥 Dried Scallop Congee
$42.00生滾魚片粥 Fish Slice Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮鯇魚片煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you$42.00生滾豬心粥 Pig's Heart Congee
以綿綿粥底加上新鮮豬心煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。$42.00生滾粉腸粥 Chitterlings Congee
以綿綿粥底加上粉腸煮至滾熟,火候十足。廣東人俗稱的「粉腸」,是指豬的十二指腸,因內含脂肪,口感像粉狀食物,因而命名。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00生滾豬肚粥 Pork Tripe Congee
以綿綿粥底加上豬肚煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00鮮鯇魚頭粥 Fish Head Congee
以綿綿粥底加上鯇魚頭煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$42.00生滾骨腩粥 Fish Belly and Bones Congee
以綿綿粥底加上鯇魚骨腩煮至滾熟,火候十足。會以薑汁、薑絲及蔥頭煮成,再配上蔥及花生。如需要走薑、蔥及花生請在下單時註明。When placing your order, kindly let us know if you have any aversion to ginger, scallions or peanuts. This will ensure that we prepare your dish just the way you like it. Thank you.$51.00窩蛋雞胸粥 Chicken Breast & Egg Congee
慢煮雞胸,加上窩蛋,成為高蛋白質容易吸收的搭配,係增肌(獨自升級)的首選。Slow-cooked chicken breast and raw egg are high-protein combination, helping to gain muscles.$54.00
腸粉 Rice Noodle Roll
一般配豉油調味,亦可按喜好加入甜、麻、辣醬。 Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.
回味炸兩 Chinese Twist Doughnut Rice Noodle Roll
廣東人會在吃粥時配上炸兩,製法是用腸粉包裹油條,然後切成小段,淋上豉油或其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬)。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$26.00叉燒腸粉 Barbecued Pork Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著叉燒捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$30.00美味鮮蝦腸 Shrimp Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著原隻鮮蝦捲成,鮮甜、煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00蔥花蝦米腸 Scallion and Dried Shrimp Rice Noodle Roll
以新鮮蔥花及脆口蝦米捲成的腸粉,口感柔嫩有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$28.00爽滑齋腸 Plain Rice Noodle Roll
齋腸又稱為豬腸粉, 是一種使用粉漿蒸煮成的食品。口感柔嫩、煙韌有彈性。一般配豉油調味,亦可按喜好加入甜、麻、辣醬。Generally served with soy sauce for seasoning, you can also add sweet, sesame, or spicy sauce according to your preference.$21.00雞蛋蔥花腸 Egg and Scallion Rice Noodle Roll
把新觧雞蛋加入粉漿,再配上蔥花蒸煮成的食品。口感柔嫩、煙韌有彈性。一般配豉油調味,亦可按喜好加入甜、麻、辣醬。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00免治牛肉腸 Minced Beef Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著免治牛肉捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$30.00蔥花腸粉 Scallion Rice Noodle Roll
以新鮮蔥花捲成的腸粉,口感柔嫩、煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,或其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$26.00豬潤腸粉 Pig's Liver Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著新鮮豬潤捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00蔥花炸兩 Scallion and Chinese Twist Doughnut Rice Noodle Roll
腸粉灑上蔥花,包裹油條,然後切成小段,淋上豉油或其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬)。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$30.00粟米腸粉 Corn Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著新鮮粟米捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。$28.00皮蛋芫茜腸 Pidan and Coriander Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著皮蛋和芫茜捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00鮮牛肉腸 Beef Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著新鮮牛肉片捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00魚片腸粉 Fish Slice Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著新鮮鯇魚片捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。$30.00肉碎腸粉 Chopped Meat Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著豬肉碎捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00肉片腸粉 Sliced Meat Rice Noodle Roll
口感柔嫩的腸粉包裹著新鮮豬肉片捲成,煙韌有彈性,回味無窮。一般配豉油,若需配以其他醬料(甜、麻、辣醬) 請在下單時註明。Usually served with soy sauce, but if you prefer other sauces (sweet, sesame, spicy), please specify when placing the order.$33.00
油器 Fried Food
油條 Chinese Twist Doughnut
油炸鬼是粵式油炸麵食類小吃,口感鬆脆。廣東人一般會將其配粥一起吃。油炸鬼又名為油炸檜。「檜」取名自「秦檜」,是宋朝一位被公認為奸相。杷傳這位奸相曾經設計陷害忠臣岳飛,禍國殃民,民間深感不忿而創作這種民間小食。$14.00牛脷酥 Ox-Tongue Pastry
粵式油炸麵食類小吃,口感煙韌帶甜味。廣東人一般會將其配粥一起吃。牛脷酥在廣東與油炸鬼、煎餅合稱為「油器三寶」。$14.00煎堆 Fried Glutinous Rice Balls
煎堆是中國傳統油炸麵食的一種。以糯米粉團炸起,加上芝麻而製成。也是廣東及香港、澳門地區常見的賀年食品,有「芝麻球轆轆,金銀滿屋」之意。$14.00鹹煎餅 Savory Pancake
特色小食 Snacks
蛋黃鹹肉粽 Glutinous Rice Dumplings with Pork and Salted Egg Yolk
糯米煙韌,蛋黃鹹香,包裹著優質新鮮豬肉。一般配糖或豉油進食。$33.00銀牙炒麵 Pan-fried Noodles
豉油炒麵、配上爽脆銀牙、韭菜,口感豐富。$21.00銀牙炒米 Pan-fried Rice Noodles
米粉鬆軟、銀牙和蘿蔔絲爽脆、口感豐富。$21.00白糖糕 (2件) Steamed Rice Cake (2pcs)
Currently sold out$14.00鴛鴦麵米 Pan-Fried Rice Noodles and Noodles
米粉鬆軟、銀牙和蘿蔔絲爽脆;豉油炒麵、配上爽脆銀牙、韭菜,口感豐富。米粉炒麵各一半,美味雙重享受!$23.00黃糖糕 (2件) Brown Sugar Rice Cake (2pcs)
Currently sold out$14.00鹹鴨蛋 Salted Duck Egg
鹹鴨蛋由鴨蛋醃製而成,一般配白粥,又或者直接進食。$10.00榨菜 Mustard
油菜 Vegetables
上湯油菜 Vegetables with soup
上湯生菜 Chinese Lettuce with Soup
上湯生菜Chinese Lettuce with Soup$30.00上湯菜心 Choy Sum with Soup
上湯菜心 Choy Sum with Soup$30.00
飲品 Drinks
凍豆漿 (1支) Iced Soya Milk (Bottle)
本港製造 500毫升 微甜豆漿。可選冷或溫。$14.00Zero (罐裝) Coke Zero (Can)
330毫升Zero$10.00忌廉 (罐裝) Cream Soda (Can)
330毫升忌廉$10.00可樂 (罐裝) Cola (Can)
330毫升可口可樂$10.00雪碧 (罐裝) Sprite (Can)
330毫升雪碧$10.00咖啡 (罐) Coffee (Can)
250毫升 雀巢香滑咖啡$12.00